
Showing posts from December, 2018
                                             this is my writing  and my drawings on chapter chat its a

Chapter Chat Chapter Chat Chapter Chat Chapter Chat Chapter Chat

Chapter Chat


I'm writing  3 things about what i have being doing this year  and my  student led conference.                 1. i like going on bus trips to the town library.

2. and i like going on bus trips to the museum.

3. what i in joy of the  student led conference is 

what Christmas mean to me

  what christmas  mean to me.

It means being with my family, enjoying  the day, having fun,
Going Camping with my family, going place is, Learning
With my family, going on Adventures,  being happy and
going to ruatoria and tikitiki.

my chater chat

                                               this is my drawing and my writing its on chater chat  its about the book of willy wonka and the Chocolate Factory.